Backcountry coffee on a snowy day... pretty great view!

View of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. The heart of the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness.

Camp fire magic

Wild Edible plants will make for a fabulous tea.

Gourmet doesn't have to be inside-only!

Trail rides

cook over a camp fire
& find wild edibles

Bathe outdoors
sleep outside & under the stars

build a fire from scratch

Eco Toilet

" I cannot thank Jess and Liz enough for what they bestowed on me. Absolutely life changing in all of the wonderful ways you can imagine."


" This trip has provided the type of magic that can last a life time. Love you ladies so much, and thank you from the very bottom of my heart for being such fearless leaders, teachers, and journey seekers.

"I was able to take their teachings/practices back to the "real world" and have never felt more at peace in my daily routine."

I am a newly healed human because of this experience."