jessica sheehan smith

I was raised in Virginia on a horse farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains and gained an immense appreciation for the special moments found in the quiet of the woods.
As a Health and Wellness Coach, I am passionate about reminding others that they have the power to change their health and their lives. I feel that creative living can enable everyone to discover their true Soul Purpose. Through art, outdoor adventures, and the innate wisdom of horses; I have found harmony in helping to open this door for others... to free their creativity!
Working as a Certified Equine Learning Facilitator, I feel that some of my best days have been assisting others to learn and heal through horses. In my own life, some of my greatest healing has come through the warmth and smell and presence of a horse.
My love of natural, whole foods and the wonder of the outdoors has led me to study Integrative Nutrition and Wild Edible Plants. Using creative nutrition has enabled me to reach my own health goals when taking on challenging ultramarathon races and extreme endurance events.
Nothing makes me happier than helping others achieve their goals! I enjoy leading others on backcountry hikes, teaching them to forage for edible plants, cook over camp fires and with Dutch Ovens. Feeding others is a passion of mine, especially when my partner and I facilitate backcountry trips into the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness.
I am currently blessed to be living along the Salmon River in the heart of Idaho with my husband Steve, our horses, mules, dogs, and the many native deer, elk, eagles, and other animals that call our place home. Some of my favorite days remain those when simply wandering with my animals in the beauty of nature or climbing mountains with friends.